Fishers of Men International Inc.
Personal and professional development to men and young boys from all walks of life.
Our Mission and Purpose
Our assignment is simple: Purpose discovery, globally, so we as boys and men can perform in our created design.
We are a network of individuals who dedicate our time, talents, and resources to the engagement, education, and empowerment of young boys and men. Our purpose is to foster a global discovery and establishment of their created design and purpose in life.

Our organization administers personalized and strategic transformation through goal clarity and accountability sessions. We foster mentorship, life coaching, personal and professional development for boys and men from all walks of life. We do so by providing personalized resources through dynamic and interactive programs, workshops one on one coaching, certifications, and community outreach. This organization is a network of individuals who dedicate their time, talent, and resources to engage, educate, and empower young boys and men. The end result is a chain reaction of better leaders, better fathers, and better agents of positive change anchored in their purpose.
All programs are inclusive of personalized life coaching, counseling, as well as personal and professional development.
Fishers of MENtorship Academy
Education Empowerment
Men’s Focus
For more information about Fishers of Men International Inc. memberships, partnerships, and events, contact us at
or send your information by completing the interest form: